Math Interactives from

This multimedia resource includes interactive math activities, print activities, learning strategies, and videos that illustrate how math is used in everyday life. The resource addresses the following mathematics topics:
  • Fractions;
  • Integers;
  • Percentages;
  • Rate/Ratio/Proportion;
  • Square Roots;
  • Exponents;
  • Patterns;
  • Algebra;
  • Linear Equations;
  • Polynomials;
  • Angles;
  • Circles;
  • Surface Area and Volume;
  • Area and Perimeter;
  • Triangles;
  • Pythagoras;
  • Trigonometry;
  • Similarity and Congruence;
  • Transformations;
  • Shape Classification;
  • Data Display and Graphs;
  • Central Tendency and Distribution; and
  • Probability.


Ged schools said…
Nice article really like it.
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