UBC Global Minds Challenge

Calling all K-12 teachers and students and schools from across the globe!

  • Are you and your students using technologies in innovative ways?
  • Would you like to engage your students with new technology in the classroom?
  • Are you interested in connecting your school and classroom with the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games? (Like to see some examples?). Pending approval by the Vancouver Olympic Committee (VANOC), all submissions will be posted and hosted on the VANOC Education's Featured Showcase website page.
  • Could your school use a cash prize of $2,010?

Then take the Global Minds Challenge and share your experiences and ideas with classrooms everywhere. Tell the world how you are creatively using digital technologies.

The UBC Global Minds Challenge will award up to five (5) prizes of $2,010 (CAD) to schools that submit projects that are: original, exciting, and pedagogically significant applications of learning technologies in a K-12 school context; and inspirational to a theme of:

  • sport
  • culture,
  • sustainability,
  • and/or global citizenship (focusing on indigenous and aboriginal education, internationalism, equality, social justice and inclusion).

Join the UBC Global Minds Challenge in three easy steps:

  1. Share the details of your project on VANOC's 2010 Winter Games Education Project Submission page by December 19th, 2009.
  2. Insert "Global Minds Challenge" in the Project Description box so that it will be identified as part of this challenge and differentiated from other competition submissions when posted on the Featured Showcase site.
  3. Once your project is posted, email us at global.minds@ubc.ca with your name and the project title. You’re entered!

Good luck. UBC encourages you to be a champion of learning!

Click here for submission details and project ideas.



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