Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech » Blog Archive » Defining “Teacher”

This post by Dean Shareski, a teacher in Moose Jaw, reminded me so much of the work of Russell Bishop's work.

What was formerly seen as nice, but not necessary, must now be first and foremost: teachers who care and relate to students. Teachers who will seek out what specific needs each student has and leads them in the right direction. What great lectures and content can never provide is relationship and caring.  I don’t necessarily define caring and relationship as a seen in the movies, but rather someone who recognizes that their job is to create opportunity for students to not only learn content but pursue and find their passions.  While that may seem like rhetoric, to me it’s become my mantra. I see all my students as desiring to be teachers,  I see all the teachers I work with as teachers desiring to be better.  I realize that may not always be the case, but that’s the premise I begin with.

Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech » Blog Archive » Defining “Teacher”


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