Truetube - Join the Debate

A site that enables youth to post video/share comments on making a difference:

Truetube is YOUR platform to make yourself heard.

Use the powerful medium of the web, and advances in streaming video technology to help you think, speak out and act on important issues happening in the real world outside your windows. It is an antidote to the passive, voyeuristic Internet world where there is a tendency to look, laugh, play & judge without doing or saying anything of any consequence. Truetube promotes moral and ethical discussion on the issues that matter for your generation, to inspire you to become involved in changing the world for the better.

Don’t just talk about it, be about it…

WE kick-start a debate with a some short films to provide info and inspire you.

YOU tell us your thoughts using the message boards and send us your films on a current debate or other important issues.

WE provide edit tools, real time/text debate, video of the day and competitions.

YOU tell us what you think of Truetube and what should be on there.

WE provide a global platform for YOUR voices to be heard.

Truetube - Join the Debate


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