The SciTech Journal | Answers, titbits and news on science and technology

The SciTech Journal is a richly informative project. As its name and the catch line suggest, it attempts to answer various questions arising in common man's mind relating to science and technological phenomena.
It is said that knowledge is power. I would like adding to it. Power is the knowledge of right things. And the aim of the STJ is empowering minds.

Today, the human race thrives on science and technological developments. Hence it becomes highly imperative for one as a human to be aware of things happening around, keep updated on the developments, and most importantly, good and bad effects of them.

The STJ covers all of it -- and much more may follow. Just browse through it. It speaks for itself. Even if you are not a student of science and tech., you will find it surprisingly delightful. That's a promise!
So keep checking in for new posts regularly.

Suggestions for better explanation of points are appreciated. Ask questions, or comment if you feel like.

The SciTech Journal | Answers, titbits and news on science and technology


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