Viral Professional Development

A recent interesting post from Jennifer Jones, called Viral Professional Development, is based on the popular definition of “viral,” that refers to a technology, tool, or teaching strategy that is quickly spread from one person to another.

Among her well thought out characteristics of VPD are notions that we learn to use the technology largely on our own and with support from each other as the enthusiasm spreads through our colleagues and peers. It is this idea of connection with a group of learners both in our schools and in our wider educational community that supports, challenges and drives our innovation.

As Jennifer says,
Open. Open. Open. Expect to share everything. Plan to blog, podcast, tag, post and push out useful tips you learn from your personal network. Invite outsiders to participate in your network. Collaborate!


injenuity said…
Thanks for linking back to me! Feel free to respond to the post and expand on my ideas.
jackspar said…
People are often hesitant to work with a business coach because they are not sure what to expect. Well, at the most basic level, the coach is there for support. A coach never tells you what to do. They just prompt and encourage.


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