1001 Flat World Tales
The 1001 Flat World Tales Writing Project is a creative writing workshop made up of schools around the world, connected by one wiki. This blog will be the home to the award-winning stories from each group of schools that participate in the workshop, different topics, different grade-levels, different cultures, brought together by the power of stories. So, enjoy the tales, click around, meet the authors — and check out their blogs!
There are four schools participating from the US and Canada so it should be lots of fun as well as creative, and not to mention giving the students practice in collaborating and writing. The wiki says it well:
- This project takes the traditional language arts "Writing Workshop" into the 21st Century in three easy (but radical) ways:
- It replaces pencil and paper (or MS Word) drafting, revising, and peer editing with a better (and simpler) writing tool: a wiki;
- It expands the options for peer response and peer editing beyond the walls of your classroom--and your clock, city, nation, and culture--by enabling peer feedback, editing, and connection with students from around the world;
- It replaces the "authentic" publishing of the 20th century classroom--hallways, newsletters, literary journals, etc--with authentic publishing in the 1001 Flat World Tales "blook": a potentially endless series of stories from students around the world, inter-linked on individual student blogs.
There is information on online safety and digital etiquette, as well as a hall of fame to recognise great writing. It is a well thought out project with potentially great educational benefits. It is a privilege to be able to be involved.